Bekaert Proves Bezinal® Coating is the Superior Choice for Coastal Areas

Because installing fence is an investment in time and money, it’s important to build a fence that lasts. But certain environments can be harsh on wire fencing. How can you increase the lifespan of a fence in an area like this? By choosing the right coating.



Challenge: Increase fence longevity and performance in a coastal environment

Coastal environments dramatically shorten the lifespan of a wire fence. This is because the air and soil in a coastal climate has a greater quantity of salt, which causes the rapid deterioration of steel products.



Bekaert set out to create a solution to this problem with their exclusive Bezinal® coating. Bezinal is a coating that combines zinc and aluminum. In salt spray tests, Bezinal-coated wires resisted corrosion 2 to 6 times longer in heavily corrosive areas.


The protective coating on a wire can make or break the longevity of a fence. For example, studies show a fence with the most basic type of coating (Class 1 galvanized) lasts two years or less in a coastal area.


Coatings prevent rust and corrosion because they contain an active protective barrier for the wire. Sometimes this barrier includes additional metals, like zinc and aluminum. The barrier will wear down first to protect the steel wire underneath.


On the coast, the most corrosion-resistant coatings available are needed. The reason Bezinal is so effective compared to hot-dip zinc galvanized wires is because of the zinc aluminum combination. The aluminum oxides create a high-quality coating layer that can withstand harsh elements and not deteriorate the wire.


Approach: Put coatings to a real-life test

Bekaert conducted a real-life field test that compared Class 3 Galvanized (zinc) to two Bezinal coating options: standard Bezinal and full-coat Bezinal.


The goal: Confirm Bezinal as the better coating option for wire fencing installed in a coastal environment.


Numerous laboratory tests prove the effectiveness of Bezinal, but Bekaert wanted to conduct further research in an actual coastal setting. To do so, they installed three fences with different coatings on a ranch about three miles from the Gulf Coast near Port Mansfield, Texas. 



Here is a breakdown of the three fences installed:


  Class 3 Standard Bezinal Full Coat Bezinal
Coating   100% Zinc 95% Zinc and 5% Aluminium 95% Zinc and 5% Aluminium
Coating Weight    320 grams per meter  squared 122 grams permeter squared 244 grams per meter squared
Fence Type S Knot Fixed Knot   Fixed Knot
Gauge 9 ga with 6 ga edge wires 12.5 ga 12.5 ga


The first fence was a 9 ga S knot wire fence with 6 ga edge wires with a Class 3 coating of zinc. This is a very common coating choice. However, the typical life of a Class 3 fence on the coast is less than seven years.


The second fence Bekaert installed was a 12.5 ga fixed knot wire fence with a Bezinal (zinc and aluminum) Class 40 coating.


And the third fence was a 12.5 ga fixed knot with a full coat Bezinal Class 80 coating.


Results: Bezinal coating outperforms Class 3 coating


Now that the project is five years in, the fences are showing one key takeaway:


Class 3 coating is not the ideal coating choice for coastal areas if fence longevity and performance is the goal.


Since being installed five years ago, both Bezinal-coated fences show minimal to no signs of rusting. The Class 3 fence, however, has a significant amount of red rust on both sides of the fence. The zinc coating that is left is transparent with the steel surface underneath starting to show.


Once the coating on the wire starts to break down, so does the wire and fence. The longevity of a fence is reduced and the wire becomes brittle.


There was a noticeable difference even one year after installation. When the Fence Pros checked the fences after the first year, the Class 3 wire was whitening and pitting while both Bezinal-coated fences were not.


By year two, the zinc-coated fence was showing signs of rust, the coating was starting to peel off and the fence felt rough to the touch. Both Bezinal-coated fences showed little to no whitening or pitting and remained smooth to the touch.


Bekaert has visited the test site annually to document and photograph the fences. Here is a breakdown of what their observations were each year.




  Class 3 Standard Bezinal  Full Coat Bezinal
Year 1 None None None
Year 2  Starting to rust None None
Year 3 Increased rusting None None
Year 4 Significant rusting None None
Year 5 Significant rusting  None None


Coating Appearance - Color Change

  Class 3 Standard Bezinal Full Coat Bezinal
Year 1 None None None
Year 2 Starting to rust None None
Year 3 Increased rusting None None
Year 4 Significant rusting      None None
Year 5  Significant rusting None None


 Coating Appearance - Pitting

  Class 3 Standard Bezinal Full Coat Bezinal
Year 1  Significant pitting      None None
Year 2 Significant pitting None None
Year 3 Significant pitting Very little None
Year 4 Significant pitting Very little None
Year 5 Significant pitting Very little None


Coating Appearance - Thinning or Flaking

  Class 3 Standard Bezinal Full Coat Bezinal
Year 1 None None None
Year 2  Starting to thin      None None
Year 3 Thinning and Flaking       None None
Year 4  Significant thinning and flaking None None
Year 5 Completely thinned off in several areas None None


Coating Feel

  Class 3 Standard Bezinal Full Coat Bezinal 
Year 1 Rough Very smooth Very smooth
Year 2 Very rough Fairly smooth Smooth
Year 3 Very rough  Fairly smooth Smooth
Year 4 Very rough  Farily smooth Smooth
Year 5 Very rough Slight texture Slight texture



Conclusion: Bezinal is the superior coating choice for coastal environments

Bekaert has made it a goal to design a coating that stands up to corrosion on fences in coastal areas. After years of researching the effectiveness of Bezinal coating, it has been proven that this coating is the most effective way to ensure the longevity of your fence in coastal conditions.


To learn more about this coating test, Taylor and the Bekaert Fence Pros are available to talk and answer any questions. Reach out at and a member of the Fence Pro team will respond within 24 hours.


Bekaert offers products with advanced coatings in nearly all of their high tensile product lines including fixed knot, barbed wire, non-climb fences and even accessories including barbed staples and pipe/t-post clips. You can shop the products at and get them delivered right to you.